# List of upload functions

# Basic function

  • # open()

    This is the main method that loads the upload popup.


    <script src="//www.uploader.win/js/latest/app.js"></script>
        let uploader = new UploaderWindow('your-api-key');
        uploader.open().then(uploads => console.log("uploads: ", uploads));

    The function returns a promise that resolves with a list of uploads (always an Array).

    Uploads array

    Each uploaded item in the array is an Object containing the following keys:

    url, name, type (mime type), tags (only images), size (in bytes), and thumbnail (only for photo/video uploads).

# Other functions (for advanced users only)

The functions given below are for expert users only and very rarely used. Unless you have a very specific upload need, please skip ahead to the next section here

  • # dragdrop('#ele-id')

    Makes it possible to drag and drop files on to an HTML element identified by 'ele-id'.

    For example: if you have an element like this on your webpage:

    <div id="ele-id">drag files here</div>

    Then calling uploader.dragdrop('ele-id') will make it possible to attach files by dropping files on this element.

  • # embed('#ele-id')

    Insert UploaderWindow popup into an HTML element identified by 'ele-id' (instead of showing it in a popup).

    For example: if you have an element like this on your webpage:

    <div id="ele-id">this will be replaced by uploader</div>

    Then calling uploader.embed('ele-id') will replaced the contents of the div with Uploader window.

    :::tip Like the open method, all these function also returns a promise that resolves with a list of uploads with upload URL and details. :::

# Next up: Adding a simple upload button